Investing for yourself protection should be your first investment, right?
We call this Level 1 Investing, Why?
Simply because, most Filipinos when they reach their retirement usually don't have any healthcare plan when the real time when they need it comes. We always have these phrases as an excuse, “Bahala na mga anak ko” or “bahala na ang Diyos” that usually comes from our mouth if we come along with this topic.
It's really a changing world. More and more people, because of materialism mentality and financially ignorant are struggling financially before they reach their retirement. Before, a parent can raise a dozen of children, but now, are we 100% sure that our children can support us in our old age? or would you like to see yourself that you can still support your needs and lifestyle, and more than that, your children can depend on you even you are not working because of age.
So we have to plan for it, as early as we can, while we still can. In IMG, every member should execute what they've learned before going to other investment vehicles. First Level of Investment is Long-term healthcare, it should be the number one financial need that we must plan for. Imagine that even when we reach the age of 50, 60 or up we already have fund (money working for us) that we can use for our health care needs, not only for you but can be used for all members of the family when it matures.
Level 1 of Investing is aimed to provide solution to the most NEGLECTED need. This should be the FIRST PRIORITY in our financial plan.
There are other reasons why LONG TERM HEALTHCARE PROTECTION is a priority:
- Medical costs doubles every 5-7 years due to inflation (price increase).
- Even there's a lot of drugstores, medical practitioners, still a lot of sick people die not because there is no medicine and doctors but because of no money.
- A majority of Filipinos don’t save money for future healthcare needs. I ask you if you still have enough savings for your future?
- You cannot bring with you the healthcare benefits provided by your company when you retire or resign.
- No traditional healthcare company covers ages 61 and up.
- Most people rely on their children, or sell properties, or borrow money for their medical needs during retirement.
- Majority of personal bankruptcy is due to Medical Crisis.
This kind of protection is what you buy when you don't want to use it (would you like to get hospitalized, of course not), but in reality, you can't able to buy it even you can afford to pay, when you need it. Your application will be denied if you're already rendering hospital services and unhealthy, and that's the time when you badly need it.
Are we going to wait before the time of emergency happens before taking our first step?
In a perfect world, there is no sickness. There are no injuries. There is no death. In a perfect world, tragedy, grief and anxiety are absent. Here, you needn't worry about your family's future. Nor would you worry about yours.
In a perfect world, all is as you want it to be "But we do not live in a perfect world". Reality is far from picture-perfect. Sickness, injury and death are part and parcel of our lives. In fact, these are inevitable events in each and every burdens each of us would one day face. In the real world, illness can be financially devastating.
So we have to plan NOW...for our FUTURE... As soon as you were earning, start your first level of investment then continue to plan for your level 2 of investment... Always set priorities while building your solid financial foundation...If You're Interested to Learn More About Financial Solutions.
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